Does this project use AI art or writing?
All art and writing for Witchfyre is created by humans for humans. No AI was or will be used in the creation of this game or world.
Do add-ons come with digital versions?
Yes! If you add-on a physical product, you will get the digital version of that item as well.
How does Witchfyre support both 5E+ and PF2?
Every character, creature, dragon, and item in Witchfyre comes with content for both 5E+ and PF2 printed side by side right in the book.
The team's creative process follows a step by step procedure. First the theme and worldbuilding are completed. Then the concept, creature, or character are written up as descriptive text with accompanying "flavor text". This text is passed on to our artists who create a series of sketches that ultimately develop into the primary illustration for the piece. Next, the mechanics for 5E+ and PF2 are developed independently from each other based on the creative work done. Finally, the descriptive text, illustration, 5E+ stat block and mechanics text as well as the PF2 stat block and mechanics text are all laid out next to each other across pages in the book.
This is a time intensive process, but the end result are character and creature entries that provide easy and convenient access for GM/DMs and players during games to whichever system's content that they need.